How Deep Should My Mantel Be?
Properly placed mantles can either make or break the look of your home. Your mantle should be the focal point of the room, not one that sticks out unproportionally into the rest of the house. A beautiful mantle is one that transforms the room into a comfortable resting spot for people to gather. So when you’re looking to replace or install a mantle, there are a few things to consider.
Selecting the Size of Your Mantle
How do you decide on the right size and height for your mantle? Well, that answer would stem from a few questions you must ask yourself first. Take a look at where your mantle is, or is going to be. Is the room where your mantle will reside small or large? Will there be a lot of traffic around your mantle? The choices for mantles can be intimidating,but once you have an idea of what you’re looking for, sizing and selection should be simple. You’ll also choose a gas fireplace expert in Denver to take appropriate measurements and help you determine the best mantle that fits the size of the room.
How Deep Should My Mantle Be?
Standard is considered between 7 and 12 inches depth for most mantles. However, this figure also depends on the type of fireplace and the style of your room. Is this fireplace occupying a den or a mudroom? In that case, you’ll typically want something a little more sturdy, maybe to set those tools on that belong in a den or a mud room. Think of something that doesn’t protrude too much past the fireplace. Typically three inches is a good estimate. Guest rooms, living rooms, and common areas tend to be comfortable places to gather and work. For these rooms, you’ll typically want something aesthetically pleasing as well as functional. You’ll want something that blends in with the room that is not too deep but is not a part of the decor, either. Figure out which room your fireplace should be in and that will help you determine the depth of your mantle. If it’s a living room, perhaps the timeless aspect of a decorative fireplace appeals to you. In that case, you would consider hanging stockings, holiday decor, and even pictures. A common area or living room is a traditional area for a fireplace and the mantle should reflect the look and feel of that room.
Guest rooms and bedrooms can be decorated slightly differently. Smaller fireplaces with protruding mantles can make a positive aesthetic, while bringing more attention to the talking pieces resting on the mantle. Bedroom decor, pictures, or even a flat screen TV monitor slightly above the mantle give comfort and style to the room. Bathroom fireplaces are also becoming a popular modern luxury. While there are many designs and features that accompany electric fireplaces nowadays, you can find one that will blend with your bathroom size and style. You’ll notice that some fireplaces don’t come with mantles and can be customized. This is a great thing for those who love the look of their fireplace and only want to upgrade the look of their mantel.
Each room in your home has a different feel. So when you choose the decor for your room, consider the functionality and comfort of everything in it. Whether you choose a rustic protruding mantle to display your best vacation photos, or you’re looking to replace the mantle on your fireplace, the design options are endless.
With the assistance of your gas fireplace insert expert in Denver, you won’t have to worry about proper placement. Get in touch with the Distinctive Mantels Designs team for a plethora of mantles that will suit your home and luxury needs!